Forum: Server Administration «»
Posted on: Tue, 30 November 2004 00:06 «»
By:Mahesh Rajendran Re: create table from database link
…>>local table column size is mul 2
what is a mul 2 here?
Never use your owne Abbreviations.
anyhow when you issue
sql> create table device_tmp as select * from device@remoteoradb;
a local table called device_tmp is created JUST like the …
Forum: Server Administration «»
Posted on: Mon, 29 November 2004 23:26 «»
By:newzys create table from database link
…I run follow sql:
create table device_tmp as select * from device@remoteoradb;
if table device_tmp's column type is varchar2 or char etc,the size of the local table column size is mul 2, as varchar2(10)--[>]varchar2(20);
local oradb and remote db c…